With the help of the events held, graduates are recruited for projects

Graduate satisfaction
80.6% of tdtu graduates are satisfied with their studies.

Permanent projects are carried out with TSTU graduates
Graduates of Tashkent State transport University are the pride of our university. You have a deep knowledge in the field of transport and I am sure that you will be able to contribute to the development of our country.
I urge you to be worthy followers of the glorious traditions of our university. Be honest, responsible and hardworking. Strive for new knowledge and skills.
In addition, I wish you to be open to modern knowledge, ready for changes, be brave and persistent. The world around us is changing, and we need to be prepared for these changes. We must be prepared to complete new tasks and find new solutions.
I am sure that you will be able to cope with all the difficulties that come to you. For this you have all the necessary qualities.
Abdurakhmanov Odil Kalandarovich

News and Events

Head of the Unitary Enterprise Termez regional railway node F.S.Giyazov visited our university.
Giyazov Farhad Saidkulovich, head of the Unitary Enterprise “Termez regional railway node”, which graduated from the direction “Organization of Transportation” in 2003, visited our university. Our graduate traveled around the University, remembered the…

Our university was visited by an honorary graduate who graduated 20 years ago.
In 2003/2004, the head of the unitary enterprise “Karshi Regional Railway Junction” M.Kh. Mirzayev, who completed the course of using transport facilities, visited our university. Our graduate went around the university, remembered his…

The head of the Inspection of Transport Control Karimov Jamshid Abdulhamidovich met with graduates of the university.
During the meeting, information was provided on the main activities of the enterprise and plans for the future, as well as on the requirements for new personnel, attracting students from our university to…

First step towards a career path.
The 2023-2024 Graduate Course held a meeting with the group captains as part of the topic “the first step towards a career path”, “preparing students for distribution” and “discussing the problems arising in…

Students of our university visited the Uzautomotors power train plant.
Within the framework of the Year” human attention and quality education”, a tour of the Uzavtomotors power train plant was organized on December 14, 2023 in order to familiarize students of the Tashkent…

An excursion to Energomax was organized for students of Tashkent State transport University.
In order to integrate education and production with talented students of the direction of production of electrical mechanics and electrical technology, electrical energy and technological processes of the Tashkent State Transport University, an…
Pictures and videos from events and exhibitions

Ramatov Ochilboy Jumaniyozovich
First Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan.
From 1984 to 1988 he studied at the Tashkent Institute of railway engineers.

Ilhom Mahkamov Rustamovich
Minister of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
He has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in economics , technology and marketing from the Tashkent automobile Institute.

Narzullayev Zufar Ghiyasovich
Chairman of the board of Uzbekistan Railways JSC.
In 2009 he graduated from the Tashkent Institute of railway transport engineers.

Usmonov Rahmonbek Jahongirovich
The head of the” Tashkent Metropolitan ” State Unitary Enterprise.
1977-1982. – Student of the Tashkent Institute of highways
Dear graduates for questions and suggestions
Contact us.
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